From left to right: Asif Siddiqi, Ph.D., Tina Maschi, Ph.D. and Jason Morris, Ph.D.
Photo by Bruce Gilbert

Fordham saluted three faculty members on March 29 whose externally funded research embodies the essence of the University’s Jesuit mission.

The laudatory occasion—the first of its kind at Fordham—is part of an ongoing initiative to advance research throughout the University and bring recognition to Fordham, its faculty and students, and its Jesuit-centered approach to higher education.

Recipients of the Funded Research Scholar Award were:

Asif Siddiqi, Ph.D., associate professor of history in Fordham College at Rose Hill and recipient of a National Science Foundation grant, “From the Postcolonial to the Global: The Making of the Indian Space Program, 1962-1992”;

Tina Maschi, Ph.D., assistant professor of social work in the Graduate School of Social Service and recipient of a National Institutes of Health/John A. Hartford Foundation award, “Institute on Aging and Social Work,” a Hartford Geriatric Social Work Faculty Scholars award from the Gerentological Society of America, and John A. Hartford/ Council on Social Work Education funding for “Moving Stories Project/BSW Experiential Learning Program”; and

Jason Morris, Ph.D.,associate professor of biology in Fordham College at Lincoln Center and recipient of an NIH-National Institute of General Medical Science grant for research on “The Molecular Identification and Functional Characterization of Fried, a Gene Required for Drosophila Growth.”

Faculty members received their awards from Nancy Busch, Ph.D., dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) and the University’s chief research officer.

“The quality of research by Fordham faculty is quite astounding,” Busch said. “It is part of the mission of the University, which explicitly embraces a commitment to research that assists in the alleviation of poverty, the promotion of social justice, the protection of human rights and respect for the environment.”

Busch noted that external faculty funding awards have grown steadily over the last five years (from 58 awards to 85), as has the number of faculty members submitting proposals. The University currently manages $38.6 million in outside funding.

The winners were chosen from a pool of 400 professors who were nominated by members of the Fordham community. That list was narrowed to nine finalists—three each in the categories of humanities, sciences and social sciences/professions.

James Wilson, director of faculty development, said that the finalists were chosen in consultation with the Office of Sponsored Programs and the University Research Council (URC), which devised a weighting process that included peer commentary, project impact and longevity of funding, among other factors.

The final three were chosen by members of the URC, each of whom made his or her individual selections independently.

The remaining finalists were:

Joshua Brown, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and W.T. Grant Foundation;

Jon Friedrich, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemistry, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Fund for Astrophysical Research;

Amy Aronson, Ph.D., assistant professor of communication and media studies, funded by Iowa State University and Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study;

Benjamin Dunning, Ph.D., assistant professor of theology, funded by Harvard Divinity School and the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation;

Emily Rosenbaum, Ph.D., professor of sociology and anthropology, funded through the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; and

Sophie Mitra, Ph.D., assistant professor of economics, funded through the Veteran’s Affairs Administration and NIMH-Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research.

The celebration marked the close of a daylong initiative, “Growing Research at Fordham,” sponsored by the Office of Research and held at the Lincoln Center campus. That event gave prominence to other faculty initiatives as well, including a presentation of “Digital Humanities at Fordham” and roundtable discussion of the platform’s future role in academic scholarship.


Janet Sassi is editor/associate director of internal communications. She can be reached at (212) 636-7577 or