Contact: Lisa Finnegan (212) 636-7175 NEW YORK: Fordham students will play Hardball with Chris Matthews and Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Wednesday, Oct. 16, from 9 to 10 p.m. EST when the MSNBC television show will broadcast live from the University’s Rose Hill campus.

Hardball College Tour 2002 features top political and cultural figures at colleges and universities nationwide. Fordham University was the site of choice for Senator John McCain, who will be the guest on Oct. 16. “There’s an electricity in the air whenever you sit with college students and match wits with big name politicians,” said Matthews. “We’ll find out what’s on the minds of the younger generation, how they hold their leaders accountable, the issues that matter to them from the war to domestic policies to corporate responsibility.” After the telecast, one student, selected by the University, will sit in the “Hardball Hot Seat” for a one-on-one rapid-fire question and answer session with Matthews. This contest will air the following evening.

At the end of the school year, a final tournament featuring the top 10 students winners will be telecast. The final “Hardball Hot Seat” winner will receive a $10,000 scholarship award plus a $5,000 grant for his or her college. The event is not open to the public.
