If you like Irish, and you want to learn how to say more than just Éirinn go Brách, Fordham’s Institute for Irish Studies, located at Fordham College Lincoln Center, certainly has the classes to, if not give you a world-class brogue, at least teach you to speak like a Dubliner.

Of course, when it comes to learning Irish, Midtown Manhattan has nothing on the Emerald Isle, which is why we’re excited that the institute has awarded Sarah Rose Sullivan and Colleen Taylor, both sophomores at Fordham College Rose Hill, Irish language scholarships.

The scholarships, say institute director Christopher Maginn, PhD, F.R.H.S., Assistant Professor of History, will enable Sullivan and Taylor to travel to the West of Ireland in July to study the Irish language at the National University of Ireland, Galway.

We wish them both the best of luck of the Irish.

—Patrick Verel


Patrick Verel can be reached at Verel@fordham.edu or (212) 636-7790.