Fordham University launched a brand new website on Thursday, Dec. 4.

Fordham’s Office of Marketing and Communications oversaw the upgrade, which was supervised by Donna Lehmann, director of online communications. Lehmann and her team began working on the new site in the fall of 2013; their efforts represent the biggest change to Fordham’s web presence in 14 years.

“ was overdue for a redesign, reorganization, and an upgrade in management technology,” said Lehmann, whose team rebuilt the website from the ground up. “Starting fresh with a new content management system allowed us to purge outdated content and apply best practices in design and usability.”

“It was also an opportunity to rework our web content so that it better reflects the spirit of Fordham and our community, which is caring, committed to service, and committed to intellectual rigor. This is most evident in the text on the site and in the photography, which captures not only the beauty of our campuses but also of the friendliness of the students here.”

Lehmann said the team also needed to make the site more accessible to mobile devices.

“Mobile traffic is overtaking desktop traffic on worldwide). We know that for prospective students, their first experience of a university is on their phones, and obviously we want that to be a good one,” she said.

As the University’s individual pages are updated, the new will consist as a hybrid of old and new. Several sections of the website will be completed and launched separately in the coming months and throughout the spring semester.

All of the old site pages will still be available at a new address:

— Janet Sassi


Janet Sassi is editor/associate director of internal communications. She can be reached at (212) 636-7577 or