Fordham’s Office of Research is seeking nominations for the Fordham University Research Fellow at Columbia University, a new fellowship that aims to cultivate institutional research collaborations between Columbia University and Fordham University.

“This is a great opportunity for Fordham faculty, particularly in light of the increasing emphasis in many disciplines on interdisciplinary, multi-institution research projects,” said J.D. Lewis, Ph.D., chair of the University Research Council.

“The research fellows program nicely complements the ongoing opportunities faculty have through the Bronx Science Consortium, providing faculty with opportunities to develop collaborations that move their research in new directions.”

Faculty members who are interested in the program must submit nominations and self-nominations to the dean of the school of their affiliation by January 30. By March 1, deans from each school will submit their nominations to Z. George Hong, Ph.D., chief research officer and associate vice president for academic affairs.

Fellows will be announced by April 1.

The fellowship will commence on May 15 and continue through August 15, 2017.

In addition to being full-time tenure-track or tenured faculty members, applicants should have demonstrable success in conducting research and strong credentials, including grant activities and publications. Applicants are also required to have a plan for collaborating with a Columbia scholar using resources provided by that scholar either independently or in conjunction with a Columbia research institute.

Benefits include access to Columbia’s research facilities, equipment and workspaces and up to $5,000 in support of the fellow’s professional development and scholarly activities from the Office of Research at Fordham.

After completing the summer program, fellows will deliver a public presentation on their project on the Fordham campus.  Additionally, fellows are also expected to produce scholarly publications, submit external grant proposals, develop interdisciplinary research collaboration, and participate in conference presentations about their research.

“Not only will this allow faculty to leverage their existing research in new ways, it should also help increase the impact and visibility of their research programs,” said Lewis.

For more information on nomination and application procedures, contact George Hong via
