Contact: Gina Vergel

Fordham is proud to highlight faculty and staff who have provided commentary in the news media during the summer. Congratulations for bringing the University to the attention of a broad audience.

Margaret Andover, Ph.D.,

assistant professor of psychology, A&S,


Paris Jackson Suicide Attempt Highlights Association Between Cutting and Suicide Risk,” New York Daily News, June 25


Aditi Bagchi,

associate professor of law, LAW,


Debating Unpaid Internships After Federal Court Ruling,” The Daily Pennsylvanian, June 19


William F. Baker, Ph.D.,

the Claudio Acquaviva Chair, S.J., and Journalist-in-Residence, GSE,


Artists Learn Art of Business to Brave Tough Economic Times,” PBS News Hour, July 9


Doron Ben-Atar, Ph.D.,

professor of history, A&S,


Man and Beast,” WBEZ, July 7


Mark Botton, Ph.D.,

professor of biology, A&S,


Horseshoe Crab Quest: Rye Students Help Track Survivors of the Ice Age,”, June 16



James Cohen,

associate professor of law, LAW,


Legal Questions after Knox Acquittal Overturned,” The Windsor Star, July 10


Elizabeth Cooper,

associate professor of law and faculty director of the Feerick Center for Social Justice, LAW,


Gay Marriage: Supreme Court Sidesteps Prop 8,” The Wall Street Journal, June 26



John Davenport, Ph.D.,

associate professor of philosophy, A&S,


New Documentary Shows How the War on Terror Spiraled Out of Control,” Mint Press News, June 12


Deborah W. Denno, Ph.D.,

Arthur A. McGivney Professor of Law, LAW,


Fatal Jabs,” International Herald Tribune, July 5


Howard Erichson,

professor of law, LAW,


Fordham’s Erichson on Two-Decade Rainforest Litigation (Audio),” Bloomberg, July 14


John Feerick,

former dean of Fordham University Law School and executive director of the Feerick Center for Social Justice and Dispute Resolution, LAW,


Past Albany Corruption Probe had Mixed Results,” North Country Public Radio, July 10


Mitchell Fillet,

lecturer in finance and business economics, BUS,


USD Hosts Chinese Business Delegation,”, July 9


Bruce Green,

Louis Stein Professor and director of the Stein Center for Law and Ethics, LAW,


Panel to Review Up to 50 Trial Convictions Involving a Discredited Detective,” The New York Times, July 1


Karen J. Greenberg, Ph.D.,

director of the Center on National Security, LAW,


Forced Feeding at Gitmo: Federal Court Hands are Tied,” The Halfway Pundit (blog), July 9



Quamrul Haider, Ph.D.,

professor of physics, A&S,


How Safe are the Russian Civilian Nuclear Reactors?,” The Daily Star, June 12


James Hennessy, Ph.D.,

dean of the Graduate School of Education, GSE,


Niagara University Joins Catholic Colleges in Calling for ‘Renewal’ of Catholic Elementary and Secondary Education,” Niagara Frontier Publication, June 27


Leah Hill,

clinical associate professor of law, LAW,


City and Clinic Spar Over Bill for Law Student Representation,” New York Law Journal, June 18


Robert F. Hurley, Ph.D.,

professor of management, BUS,


Banks and Trust: No Honor System Here,” CNBC, July 13


Daniela Jopp, Ph.D.,

assistant professor of psychology, A&S,


Aging Crisis on the Horizon,” Ocala Star Banner, July 8


Sertan Kabadayi, Ph.D.,

associate professor of marketing, BUS,


Samsung Pours On the Marketing Pressure With Galaxy Tab 3 Launch,” E-Commerce Times, June 25


Andrew Kent,

associate professor of law, LAW,


Why Edward Snowden Wants to Go to Ecuador,” The Week, June 24


Beth Knobel, Ph.D.,

assistant professor of communication and media studies, A&S,


Did Putin Steal a Super Bowl Ring?,” CBS News, June 17



Joseph Landau,

associate professor of law, LAW,


Same Sex Marriage Decision,” NBC New York, June 26


Ethan Leib,

professor of law, LAW,


Chris Christie’s Choice: Duty or Politics,” Los Angeles Times, June 5


Robin Lenhardt, Ph.D.,

professor of law, LAW,


Attys React To High Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling,” LAW 360, June 24


Allan Luks,

director for the Fordham Center for Nonprofit Leaders, GSS,


Online Giving Expands Options for Charities,” Tech Page One, July 8


Matthew Maguire, M.F.A.,

professor of theatre and director of Fordham’s theatre program, A&S,


Richard Schiff, Richard Kind, & More Set for Drama Desk Summer Panel at Fordham University Today,”, June 17


Timothy de Waal Malefyt, Ph.D.,

visiting associate professor of marketing, BUS,


Food for Thought: Study Identifies Cooking as Creativity Catalyst,”, June 28


Michael M. Martin,

dean and Distinguished Professor of Law, LAW,


No, Texas Law Does Not Say You Can Shoot an Escort Who Refuses to Have Sex,” ONDT-Political, June 11


Alice Marwick, Ph.D.,

assistant professor of communication and media studies, A&S,


Facebook Graph Search Attempts to Solve the Social Network’s ‘Big’ Problem,”Huffington Post, July 8


Chi Mgbako,

clinical associate professor of law and the director of Walter Leitner International Human Rights Clinic, LAW,


Supreme Court Strikes Down Anti-Prostitution Pledge for U.S. Groups,” The Nation, June 20


Mark Patterson,

professor of law, LAW,


U.S. Judge Rules Apple Colluded on E-Books,” The Wall Street Journal, July 10


Michael Peppard, Ph.D.,

assistant professor of theology, A&S,


Hiking with Pope Francis,” The Washington Post, July 9


Joel Reidenberg, Ph.D.,

Stanley D. and Nikki Waxberg Chair and professor of law and founding academic director of the Center on Law and Information Policy, LAW,


National Security Agency: The Net Rips Apart,” Financial Times, June 14


Guy Robinson, Ph.D.,

instructor of biology, A&S,


Why Are Asthma Rates Higher in Poor Neighborhoods? The Answer Might Be Right Under Our Noses,” On Earth, May 30


Frank Sirianni, Ph.D.,

Vice President and CIO of Fordham, ADM,


Building a High Trust Organization,” CIO Talk Radio, July 3


Amelia Uelmen,

director of Institute on Religion, Law & Lawyer’s Work, LAW,


El Rabino Argentino Skorka: Dialogar es Ponerse en los Zapatos del Otro,”, June 12


Ian Weinstein,

associate dean for Clinical and Experiential Programs and professor of law, LAW,


Mike’s Math on the Line: Stop-and-Frisk Ruling Coming Soon and Stats Show Mayor Bloomberg is Wrong on his Race Comments,” New York Daily News, July 2
