Dear Members of the Campus Community:

Happy Veterans Day
The guns fell silent in Europe at 11 a.m. on November 11, 1918. Today we honor all those who have served in the United States Armed Forces, including many Fordham students and other members of the campus community.

Here are this week’s five things you need to know about Fordham’s COVID-19 precautions, vaccinations, and University operations.

Please wear a mask in all indoor public spaces at all times. See the COVID-19 Guidelines on the web for detailed information:

  • In the last 14 days, 68 members of the University community tested positive for COVID-19, as listed on the University dashboard.
  • The number of new, on-campus cases of COVID-19 doubled in the last two weeks, almost exclusively among students, due in large part to attendance at off-campus, unmasked indoor gatherings. Please protect the campus community and your loved ones by socializing responsibly, especially on the eve of and during the Thanksgiving break.
  • Reminder: all individuals are required to wear face masks indoors in every location on campus, including audience members at athletic events and performances. (The only exceptions to masking requirements are for individuals alone in a room, or in their residence hall apartment, or bedroom, and while eating or drinking.)
  • While cases of COVID-19 are decreasing in New York City, they are on the rise in some northern and westerns states. Twenty-three states have seen at least a 5% increase in cases over the past two weeks, with Illinois, Minnesota, and Vermont reporting 50% more cases on average.
  • The University is making COVID-19 boosters available for all eligible students, faculty, and staff. The vaccine schedule is available on the COVID-19 Testing and Vaccine Resources page.

Every issue of Five Things is archived on our news site:

Marco Valera
Vice President for Administration & COVID-19 Coordinator
