Fordham University COVID-19 Guidelines

Dear Members of the Campus Community,

I am writing to give you an update on University COVID-19 protocols. I hope your fall semester is going well. I’m sure you are busy, so I will make this as brief as possible.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), individuals 12 and older are eligible for the updated (bivalent) booster that is effective against multiple COVID variants, and in order to be considered up to date with vaccines, they should receive the updated booster if it has been 2 months or longer since their last COVID-19 vaccine. Individuals under 18 can only receive the Pfizer updated booster. The updated Moderna booster is only available for those 18 and over. Being up-to-date on the vaccine is particularly important because it will be more effective against new variants of the virus, helping us to both keep our community safe, and to function with less disruption.  

The University has the new updated vaccines in stock and will administer them free of charge. You can sign up for the vaccine on the Testing and Vaccine Resources Page. (The updated vaccines are also available in the New York City area.) Members of the campus community must receive the updated vaccine as soon as they are eligible—individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 within 90 days will have the deadline for compliance adjusted accordingly.

All University faculty, students, and staff must be fully up-to-date as defined by the CDC as of Tuesday, November 1, 2022.

Individuals can upload proof of vaccination to VitalCheck by clicking on the link text “Has your vaccination status recently changed?” on the daily VitalCheck email/text message.

COVID-19 and flu vaccines both reduce illness, hospitalizations, and deaths. As flu season approaches and COVID-19 vaccine recommendations are updated, individuals should consider receiving both vaccinations at the same time if they are eligible and the timing is appropriate. The immune response and possible side effects are generally the same whether individuals receive one vaccine at a time or two, according to the CDC.

Reporting a Positive Test and Contact Tracing
The methods for reporting a positive COVID-19 test remain the same, but the University has changed its contact tracing and isolation procedures. Public Safety contact tracers will contact individuals with positive tests to determine the start date of their symptoms, and advise them of isolation  and masking protocols available on the Isolation and Quarantine Procedures page.

Individuals may obtain a free PCR test on campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

  • Rose Hill Campus: First trailer in parking lot A.
  • Lincoln Center Campus: Lowenstein Center, South Lounge.

For all contacts, regardless of vaccination status, quarantine is not necessarily required; however, if symptoms occur, individuals should immediately quarantine until a negative test confirms symptoms are not attributable to COVID-19

Faculty are not required to notify a full class about individuals in their classes who test positive. Should faculty choose to communicate with their classes, they should not identify the individual who tested positive.

New York state has relaxed its rules regarding masking on mass transit. Accordingly, masks are now suggested but not required on Ram Vans.

Employees with questions about Fordham’s COVID-19 policies should email; students and parents with questions should email

As always, our policies and protocols are subject to change, based on conditions on and off campus, and any new federal, state, or local regulations. Thank you for your support and cooperation.

Marco Valera
Vice President for Administration & COVID-19 Coordinator
