On Monday, March 2, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) issued an update on novel coronavirus (COVID-19) precautions. The update said, in part:

A COVID-19 vaccine may not be available for 12 to 18 months.

  • DoH guidance for institutes of higher education with students participating in foreign exchange or study abroad programs is to suspend study abroad programs for all university/college students and faculty/staff in currently impacted countries (China, Iran, Italy, South Korea, and Japan), a step Fordham has already taken.
  • Students, faculty, and staff returning from currently impacted countries or regions of impacted countries will be required to be quarantined for 14 days upon return.
  • If at all possible, students should be quarantined at home.
  • Students with compromised immune systems should not travel internationally or to currently affected regions.
  • NYSDOH and local health departments will need assistance from universities to obtain contact information for individuals being quarantined, regardless of the location of the quarantine, in order to assure appropriate plans exist to support the quarantine and monitoring.

The potential public health threat posed by COVID-19 is high, both globally and to the United States; individual risk is dependent on exposure. As of today there are still no confirmed or suspected cases of this virus at Fordham University.

This is a rapidly evolving situation, with new cases being reported in the United States and New York state. The immediate risk at Fordham University remains low but we are preparing for the possibility that the coronavirus will cause a public health threat to the University community. Fordham’s Emergency Management Team is following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the New York City Department of Health communications closely.

Any student experiencing symptoms (which may be similar to the flu or common cold, and may include fever and coughing) should call (rather than visit) University Health Services (UHS) immediately:

Lincoln Center: (212) 636-7160
Rose Hill: (718) 817-4160

After business hours, contact the Department of Public Safety at (718) 817-2222. Someone will be available to take your call at this number 24/7.

Prevention is very important. Here are ways to stay healthy:

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
Increase your fluid intake.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth, and face.
Keep home/personal spaces clean, disinfect common surfaces.
Avoid contact with sick people.
Cover your cough with tissue/paper towel or the crook of your elbow.
If you have not received an influenza (flu) vaccine this year, do get one as soon as possible.
If you are sick, please stay home and contact your medical provider.

Fordham custodial personnel continue to deep clean common areas and restrooms on an accelerated schedule.

Faculty and Staff Guidelines
Faculty and staff who have recently returned from an affected area should not come to work, but should contact their department head or direct supervisor for guidance. Faculty and staff experiencing symptoms should call their primary care physician immediately for direction, should avoid class/work, and stay at home until they have been cleared by a health care provider. Additionally, household members in contact with the quarantined person should also observe a 14-day self-quarantine.

Spring Break
Some spring break trips arranged through the University will be canceled to prevent exposure to the virus. The University strongly discourages students on spring break to travel internationally or to currently affected regions. Residence halls at Rose Hill and Lincoln Center will remain open for students registered to stay in their housing assignments over the spring break and to accommodate students whose homes are in regions or whose travel plans are affected by COVID-19. Announcements are forthcoming on dining services slated to remain open for the break. University Health Services, Counseling and Psychological Services, and the Offices of Residential Life will also remain open over the break.

In general, students, faculty, and staff should avoid nonessential international travel until advised otherwise by University administration.

For more information, visit:

If you have Fordham-specific questions please see the full contact list below.

Maureen Keown, MSN, Director
University Health Services

University Health Services     health@fordham.edu                Lincoln Center: (212) 636-7160
                                                                   Rose Hill: (718) 817-4160
Department of Public Safety  publicsafetyrh@fordham.edu  (718) 817-2222 Available 24/7
Dean of Student Services        gpappas@fordham.edu             (718) 817-4395
Dean of Students (RH)           deanrodgers@fordham.edu       (718) 817-4755
Dean of Students (LC)            deanofsalc@fordham.edu          (212) 636-6250
Residential Life (RH)             resliferh@fordham.edu                 (718) 817-3080
Residential Life (LC)             reslifelc@fordham.edu                   (212) 636-7100

For more general questions, please consult the Student Handbook as a guide to Fordham offices.

