Casey A. Feldman, 21, a senior at Fordham College at Lincoln Center, was struck by a car on Friday, July 17, in Ocean City, N.J., and died of her injuries later that evening at Atlantic City Medical Center. Casey was the news editor of The Observer, the Lincoln Center student newspaper. She lived in a Philadelphia suburb with her family, and was working at a summer job in Ocean City.

This memorial page is open to Casey’s family, friends, classmates and the Fordham faculty and staff who knew her. Feel free to post your memories about Casey in the comments section, or e-mail them to:
, along with any images you’d like to share.

The Lincoln Center student newspaper, The Observer, also has an article online with links to Casey’s work, and will shortly include a picture gallery: The Observer Mourns the Loss of Its News Editor.

You can view the University’s official statement on the home page: Fordham Mourns Loss of Student Journalist.

Casey was an exceptionally talented news reporter and editor—an inquisitive, dogged and thorough perfectionist. I’d known Casey since she was a freshman and it had been very gratifying to watch her grow. Her news reporting and editing won quite a few awards for The Observer, and she herself had recently been recognized as well—as a finalist in a contest for college reporters who write about religious issues. Casey’s death is really a terrible loss to The Observer and to Fordham.
Elizabeth Stone, Ph.D., professor of English and communication and media studies, and faculty adviser to The Observer
