Fordham University will host an affordable housing forum, “Shrinking Affordability,” sponsored by the Bronx’s University Neighborhood Housing Program (UNHP) on Tuesday, March 27, at the McGinley Center, Rose Hill campus.  The UNHP is a Community Development Financial Institution initiated by Fordham’s Board of Trustees in 1983 to create, preserve and finance affordable housing in the Northwest Bronx.  The program will include presentations on demographic housing trends in the west Bronx and will feature panelists from the private, public and nonprofit sectors.

“This organization and its related lending, technical assistance, research and community forums has served as one of the primary vehicles for the University to become engaged in Bronx redevelopment efforts with an eye toward maintaining affordability for people in the neighborhood, and with an eye toward preservation,” said Joseph P. Muriana, associate vice president for government and urban affairs at Fordham and president of the UNHP.

The UNHP is currently involved in lending initiatives that encourage responsible mortgage lending practices.  In 2002, the UNHP and Fordham jointly received the Jesuit Social Ministries “Just Communities Campaign Award.”


Janet Sassi is editor/associate director of internal communications. She can be reached at (212) 636-7577 or