On Dec. 16, Fordham honored 11 employees whose long-term contributions have helped cultivate the University as a place of pride in work and love for the community.

The annual 1841 Awards ceremony recognized those support staff members who have been at Fordham for 20 or 40 years. Those in attendance were lauded by their supervisors and presented with medals by Joseph M. McShane, SJ, president of Fordham.

With a collective 260 years of services, this years awardees are:

40 years:

  • Lorene Pasciotty, Fordham College at Rose Hill

20 years

  • Jason Cruz, Grounds and Transportation
  • Matthew Delgado, Fordham Libraries
  • Roman Makowicz, Physical Plant
  • Jose Monegro, Custodial Services
  • Gillian Navarro, Enrollment Services
  • Victoria Raphael, Custodial Services
  • Joe Rosado, Custodial Services
  • William T. Slade, Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education
  • Kathleen Ungar, Fordham Libraries
  • John Yonko, Facilities Operations

The 1841 Award was established in 1982 by former president James C. Finlay, SJ, in honor of the year Fordham was founded by Archbishop John Hughes.

The event was followed by a reception that welcomed family members and co-workers.



Janet Sassi is editor/associate director of internal communications. She can be reached at (212) 636-7577 or fallersassi@fordham.edu