What will the Big Apple look like in one, two or three generations?

Will skyscrapers sport rooftop farms that supply produce to residents? Will the flow of bridge and tunnel traffic be managed through congestion pricing? Will taxis still be the quickest way to get to LaGuardia Airport?

A panel of experts will gaze into their crystal balls to answer critical questions like these in “Making Cities Work: The Future of New York’s Public Infrastructure.”

It is no secret that New York City’s infrastructure is aging and failing, and that funding to repair and replace it is has been insufficient. Robert Yaro, president of the Regional Plan Association, recently wrote “New York needs an Olympic-sized infrastructure investment.”

Panelists for “Making Cities Work,” the inaugural event in Fordham’s Urban Dialogue Lecture Series, will include:

• Kevin Burke, chairman, president and COO of the Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.;
• Kathy Caldwell, president of the American Society of Civil Engineers;
• Richard Ravitch, former lieutenant governor of New York and former chairman of the Metropolitan Transit Authority; and
• Christopher Ward, executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

Tuesday, Sept. 20
5:30 p.m. Reception
6:30 p.m. Panel Discussion
The Morgan Library and Museum
225 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y.

Sam Roberts, urban affairs correspondent for The New York Times, will moderate the discussion.

Free and open to the public. For more information, please click here:

Please RSVP by Wednesday, Sept. 14, to (212) 636-6574 or specialevnts@fordham.edu.

The series is presented by the Urban Studies Program at Fordham and is made possible by a generous gift from Frank Sciame, CEO and chairman of the Sciame Organizations.
