In 1795, one man dared to lead an uprising against the people who were enslaving him on the Dutch island colony of Curacao.

On Tuesday at Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus, his story will be told.

Tula, The Revolt, a 2013 feature length movie about those momentous and tragic days, will be shown at a special screening that will be attended by Danny Glover, who stars in the film.

Glover, an actor, director and political activist best known for his roles in films such as The Color Purple, Witness and the Lethal Weapon series, will sit afterward for a discussion about the film.

Tuesday, September 9

5:45 p.m.

Costantino Room, Fordham School of Law, Lincoln Center campus

The evening is sponsored by the United Nations Remembrance Programme of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, the United Nations Academic Impact (UAI), and Fordham’s School of Professional & Continuing Studies, History Department and Fordham School of Law.

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For additional information, visit

Contact: Patrick Verel
(212) 636-7790
