dove_250American Catholic religious sisters have had a dramatic impact on the church for generations. From building an extensive parochial school system to pioneering higher education for women, Catholic sisters have continually expanded their ministries since the Second Vatican Council’s call for renewal in the 1960s.

An upcoming panel presentation at Fordham will examine how the sisters’ ministry has changed the face of the church and what they are called to do today.

Call Response: How American Catholic Sisters Shaped the Church Since Vatican II
Tuesday, Dec. 11
6 p.m.
Pope Auditorium | Lowenstein Center | Lincoln Center Campus
113 West 60th Street

Co-sponsored by Fordham’s Center on Religion and Culture, the panel will discuss Catholic sisters’ diverse ministries, including social activism and missionary work, and their tireless championing of human dignity and rights.

“It may be because of images of nuns in our pop culture, but people too often overlook sisters’ profound importance in shaping religion and society,” said James P. McCartin, director of the center. “Our goal with this forum is to allow a group of outstanding women to speak about how their communities changed the Church by responding to some of the most pressing challenges in recent history.”

The event is free and open to the public. To RSVP, call (212) 636-7347 or email For more information, visit the event website.

Call Response is co-sponsored by the Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies.
