University Statement
The Fordham University family is saddened by the passing of our Holy Father Pope John Paul II earlier today, but celebrates with thanksgiving the gift of his life and fruitful ministry to the Church and, in fact, to all the world during his long and eventful pontificate. He�was a good shepherd and faithful teacher to the very end. Pope John Paul II was a true apostle of peace reaching out to other faiths and seeking reconciliation. His compassionate voice of conscience will be sorely missed.

Joseph M. McShane, S.J., president of Fordham University
�Even as it mourns his death, the Fordham University community celebrates the life and legacy of His Holiness, Pope John Paul II. Mystic, philosopher, playwright and pastor, he brought the message of the Gospel to life in our time and spent his remarkable�pontificate in the service of others. A compelling preacher, a tireless pilgrim and a compassionate shepherd, he sparked revolutions of hope in the hearts of all to whom he ministered. A defender of the poor, an ambassador of peace and a champion of human rights, he reshaped our world.�

Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J.
�He has, in the words of St. Paul to Timothy, �finished the race and kept the faith.�� He held firmly to the deposit of apostolic faith, interpreting it in line with the Second Vatican Council, and boldly applied it to the complex problems of the contemporary world. As a personalist, he stoutly defended the sanctity of human life, knowing that all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God.� While leading the Church in unity, he entered into dialogue with people of many cultures and religions, respecting the freedom of individual consciences.�

Services at Fordham
*Fordham University marked the passing of Pope John Paul II with a Mass of� Resurrection on Friday, April 8 at each of its three campuses.

Faculty Celebrate the Pope’s Life in the Media
Several Fordham faculty members (including James Fisher; Joseph Koterski, S.J.; Joseph M. McShane, S.J.; Margaret Steinfels; Peter Steinfels; and Daniel Thompson, among others) have appeared on all of the national networks and several local stations including:
Fox News Channel
CBS �Face the Nation�
NBC �Meet the Press�
CBS Sunday Morning
WNET �News Hour�
WNET �Charlie Rose�
ABC News Now
KNX Radio (CBS Los Angeles)
CNBC �Kudlow and Cramer�
Associated Press Radio
WCBS Radio
WOR Radio

Professors have also been interviewed by magazine and newspaper reporters all over the country. Some of these outlets include:
Associated Press
New York Times
Atlantic Monthly
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
USA Today
Chronicle of Higher Education
Washington Post
Denver Post
Daily News (Los Angeles)
Religion News Service
News Tribune
San Antonio Express
Arizona Republic
Tampa Tribune
Austin-American Statesman
