The Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) has named The Observer the best non-weekly newspaper at a four-year college. The award was based on the newspaper’s overall quality, including its content, design and photography.

The announcement was made at the ACP’s 2011 National College Newspaper Conference in Hollywood. The prize comes one year after The Observer won second place in that category. It had claimed the first place prize in 2009 and 2008.

“I am so proud of every member of The Observer staff,” said editor-in-chief Liz Bowen, FCLC ’11, at the time of the win.

“Many of our editors were new to the board this year, and it’s been so rewarding to see such a talented and passionate group of people come together to produce a top-quality publication,” she added. “The dedication and hard work I’ve seen The Observer staff put forward this year have been truly amazing.”

The Observer is the student newspaper of Fordham College at Lincoln Center. It is produced entirely by a non-paid student staff on a bi-weekly basis and is advised by Elizabeth Stone, Ph.D., professor of English and communications. The Observer began publishing in 1981.

Stone noted that the newspaper also has been honored by the New York Press Association.

“I’m proud of The Observer writers and editors for their continuing excellence in the field of student journalism,” she said. “The New York Press Association’s First Place Award among college newspapers in New York state is particularly gratifying since The Observer had come in second—right behind Ithaca College—for several years.

“David has finally beat Goliath.”


Patrick Verel can be reached at or (212) 636-7790.