President Tetlow was featured on Jan. 28, 2024, in The New York Times about serving as the first woman and layperson to lead the University in its 182-year history.

“Being a university president is a tough job on a good day,” Ms. Tetlow said recently. “I think we’re all feeling fragile right now. These are tough issues to navigate.”

The ability to navigate through turbulence is one of the many assets that brought Ms. Tetlow to Fordham. Added to her wide-ranging résumé — putting murderers and drug lords in jail as a federal prosecutor in New Orleans, challenging longstanding gender barriers while untangling the finances of a foundering institution, singing the national anthem at Yankee Stadium — Ms. Tetlow’s somewhat unusual profile seems uniquely suited to Fordham.

Engaging and unmistakably sharp, Ms. Tetlow, 52, easily toggles from light cultural topics (dogs and ’90s bands) to more pressing issues, like climate change and the need for more government assistance to soften the financial strain of college. She regularly concludes statements with the clause “the research shows” — leaving little doubt of her grasp of it.

Read “Not a Priest, Not a Man, but Ready to Run Fordham” in The New York Times.




Jane Martinez is director of media relations and deputy University spokesperson at Fordham. She can be reached at or (347) 992-1815.