Some college classes aren’t just thought-provoking, they’re the start of a career path. At Fordham, that’s pretty common. Students say that their classes have helped them explore their passions, find new ones, and prepare for their first job—and beyond.

Here are some recent graduates who have experienced just that.

Kamrun Nesa, FCLC ’16

Kamrun Nesa

Major: English

Minor: Political Science

Course: Publishing: Theory and Practice
The aim of this course is to develop a clear understanding of the publishing industry. Students examine a wide range of genres and hear from speakers in the field.

Current Jobs: Associate Publicist at Grand Central Publishing; Freelance Writer for NPR, USA Today, and Others

“This course was my first foray into book publishing, and it helped me secure my first book-related internship. Thanks to these internships and a wealth of experience in my classes and at The Observer, my first job right after graduation ended up being in publicity at a publishing house.”

Peter Vergara, FCRH ’18

Peter Vergara

Majors: Art History and Philosophy

Minors: Latin American and Latino Studies and Political Science

Course: Modern Latin American Art
This course looks at two great shaping forces of modern Latin American art: nationalism, which called on visual art to create a national identity and to reflect it; and modernism, an aesthetic movement that insisted on artistic autonomy.

Current Job: Day Sale Administrator for Impressionist and Modern Art at Sotheby’s

“In studying art by Latino artists post-1920, I was able to see dialogue and interaction between Latin America and the United States, along with how artists deal with the heritage of colonial Spain. This fascinated me, and it helped shape where I want to go with my career.”

Elaina Koukoulas, GABELLI ’17

Elaina Koukoulas

Major: Public Accounting

Course: Contemporary Issues in Financial Forensics
This course focuses on methods of fraud investigation, detection, and prevention, including the professional responsibilities of the CPA.

Current Job: Financial Investigator at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office

“I decided to enroll in this class after my forensic accounting internship at the Manhattan DA’s office. The class not only explained the basics of forensic accounting but also dove into extensive detail and explored its relevance to the business world today. It increased my passion for forensic accounting and served as a confirmation that I had finally found what I wanted to pursue after college.”

Luis Benitez, FCRH ’19

Luis Benitez

Major: Computer Science

Minors: Mathematics and Cybersecurity

Course: Philosophy of Human Nature
A philosophical reflection on the central metaphysical and epistemological questions surrounding human nature.

Current Job: Technology Associate at Wellington Management

“My liberal arts classes taught me to think and have even influenced my approach to programming and coding. In this philosophy class in particular I saw a lot of connections to computer science. I learned to express my train of thought and also to separate feelings from observations, to think of things objectively—like you do in computer programming. It’s all logic.”

Nicholas Hardiman, GABELLI ’17

Nicholas Hardiman

Major: Business Administration

Concentrations: Finance and Marketing

Minor: Information Science

Course: Consumer Behavior
This class focuses on the role of psychological factors in the behavior of humans as consumers.

Current Job: Account Manager at Google

“My Consumer Behavior course taught me to pay attention to the compounding factors that lead people to make the decisions that they do. Focusing on figuring out consumer behavior patterns has helped shape my career in digital advertising. As data-driven marketing continues to evolve, I hope to be on the forefront of helping businesses develop new advertising strategies.”

Emily Rubino, FCLC ’17

Emily Rubino

Majors: Humanitarian Studies and Sociology

Course: Gender, Crime, and Justice
This course describes, explains, and challenges the treatment of victims, offenders, and workers in the criminal justice system. In the process, students examine and critique issues of criminal law, race, class, and sexuality.

Current Job: Director of Policy and Outreach at Peace Action New York State

“This is one of the courses that had a big impact on the ways I think about social justice and how we function as a society. My study abroad in the U.K., Nepal, Chile, and Jordan further complicated my thinking on these issues, as everywhere I traveled it was clear that people had been impacted by U.S. foreign policy. This was extremely helpful since my job requires knowledge of both international relations and domestic social justice issues.”

Chloe Potsklan, GABELLI ’17

Chloe Potsklan

Major: Information Systems

Minor: Spanish

Course: Cybersecurity in Business
This class explores the value cybersecurity and computer science professionals bring to business.

Current Job: Cyber Risk Consultant at Deloitte

“My cybersecurity class helped me learn more about today’s cyber landscape in the business world. I took the class just after accepting my full-time offer with Deloitte after my summer internship there. It served as a continuation of what I learned during that internship and prepared me for my current work environment.”

Nathan Miranda, FCLC ’16

Nathan Miranda

Majors: Computer Science and Music

Minor: Mathematics

Course: Speech and Rhetoric
This course examines rhetorical theories and strategies of thinkers ranging from Aristotle to Stephen Colbert, and explores how to listen, ask questions, persuade and be persuaded, and suggest new directions of inquiry.

Current Jobs: Software Engineer at Compass; Front-End Engineering Instructor at the Flatiron School; Piano Instructor

“This class was key in transforming some of my introverted tendencies into extroverted confidence. I gained awareness that has helped me both in my career and in expanding my relationship circles. The environment of the class was typical of Fordham—open to all ideas with complete ownership of presenting topics in a manner that would engage your peers.”

Suliman Al Aujan, GABELLI ’15

Suliman Al Aujan

Major: Applied Accounting and Finance

Course: Special Topic: Alternative Investing
This course covers the evolution and outlook for a range of alternative investments. Students analyze research and case studies, and hear from guest speakers.

Current Job: Mandates Portfolio Manager for the Global Real Estate Team at Credit Suisse Asset Management London

“The Gabelli School applies both theoretical and practical learning experiences. This capstone course emphasized application-based learning and drew upon real-world problems, like how financial institutions can support developing access to fresh water sources in Africa. Our professors treated us like analysts and urged us to solve these problems, an analytical experience I draw upon in my current work.”

Natalie Wodniak, FCRH ’18

Natalie Wodniak

Majors: Environmental Studies and Humanitarian Studies

Minor: Biological Sciences

Course: International Humanitarian Action and New York City
This course examines international responses to various types of humanitarian crises.

Current Jobs: Field Organizer at NextGen America; Master in Public Health Candidate in Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control at George Washington University

“This class greatly impacted my career path. I was able to expand my knowledge about global crises and learn about ways to get involved in the humanitarian community. Humanitarian studies courses like this one, along with my Intro to Virology course, helped me decide to enter the field of global health.”

Do you have a classes to careers story of your own? Email us at


Alexandra Loizzo-Desai can be reached at or 212-636-6536.