Women are underrepresented in management in part because they are faced with a no-win conundrum which has not changed since the 1970s, according to Roslyn H. Chernesky, D.S.W., professor of social service at Fordham.

Chernesky, along with Ruth Brandwein, Ph.D., professor of social policy and director of the Social Justice Center at the Stony Brook University School of Social Welfare, will talk about the glass ceiling in a panel “The Conundrum of Women in Leadership Positions,” sponsored by Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service’s Institute for Women and Girls on Monday.

WHO: Roslyn Chernesky, D.S.W., and Ruth Brandwein, Ph.D.
WHAT: The Conundrum of Women in Leadership Positions
WHEN: Monday, October 27, 2008 | 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Pope Auditorium, Lincoln Center campus
RSVP: Priscilla Dyer (212) 636-6623, dyer@fordham.edu
The panel is free and open to the public.
