Fordham University is taking a number of measures to prepare for the upcoming flu season. The University’s plans regarding the H1N1 flu strain have been updated by our emergency management team this summer with guidance from various federal, local and higher education health organizations.

The University Health Center is prepared for the upcoming flu season, and students are encouraged to be examined if they feel ill. Medical professionals and staff will respond to any student in need, including room visits when necessary. Fordham has prepared a large supply of bottled water and food for emergencies, and will have thousands of surgical masks and hand sanitizers should the need for these items arise.

Please consult with your medical care provider if you are feeling ill prior to departing for Fordham.  If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, please remain at home until you are feeling better: the University will work closely with you if your arrival is delayed.

The University recommends students get the influenza vaccine when it becomes available.Fordham is making plans to secure the flu vaccine when it is approved, and to offer vaccinations on campus. Students with any underlying health concerns such as asthma, diabetes or any immune deficiency condition are asked to contact the University’s Student Health Services as soon as possible. Our health professionals will collect the relevant information—in strict confidentiality—to help the University provide you with the best care.

If you or other students are experiencing fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue and/or vomiting and diarrhea, it is vitally important that you:

  1. Seek assistance from our health center at (718) 817-4160 (Rose Hill) or (212) 636-7160 (Lincoln Center); and
  2. Limit contact with others.   

In the event H1N1 affects a significant number of students, Fordham will ask those students who live within a reasonable distance to recuperate at home in order to avoid spreading the illness on campus. Accommodations for other students will also be available at each campus.

The University will also work with any students who are unable to attend classes to insure the minimum impact on their academic progress.  Please let your resident assistant, orientation leader or Health Center staff know if you are worried about a sick friend, especially if you are concerned that he or she is not getting care.

Part of Fordham’s standing emergency preparation advice is to keep a “go bag” containing items such as bottled water, a can opener, snacks, blanket, a flashlight, a battery-powered radio and other items for use in an emergency or during any relocation. This year, Fordham recommends that students to have on-hand a few additional basic, low-cost items in the event of a severe flu season:

1. oral thermometer
2. supply of tissues
3. disinfectant wipes to assist in cleaning residence hall rooms
4. hand sanitizers
5. Tylenol and/or Advil

In addition to an adequate supply of any prescription medication you may need, having the above items in your room is a prudent measure. Local pharmacies and the Fordham bookstore will stock many of these items this Fall.

The following are recommendations from the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help fight H1N1 flu:

•    Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
•    Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it
•    Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough
or sneeze (hand sanitizers are also recommended)
•     Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, since germs are spread this way

If you have additional questions or concerns, visit the Health Services page or contact:

Kathleen Malara
Director of Student Health Services
(718) 817-4160

John Carroll
Assistant Vice President for Safety and Security
(718) 817-2222

Christopher Rodgers
Dean of Students, Rose Hill
(718) 817-4755

Keith Eldredge
Dean of Students, Lincoln Center
(212) 636-6250

The University will send updates to the Fordham community as necessary.


Bob Howe | Associate Vice President for Media and Public Relations Office (212) 636-6538 | Mobile (646) 228-4375