Scholarship. Loyalty. Service.

Those qualities are the hallmarks of the members of Alpha Sigma Nu, the international honor society of Jesuit institutions of higher education.

On April 7, Fordham welcomed 143 new members to the society in its 34th annual induction ceremony, held on the Rose Hill campus. Among those being honored were 137 students from all of the university’s nine schools, and six faculty and administrators. Kirstin Tamucci, vice president of the Rose Hill campus chapter, said that “scholarship encompasses much more than the knowledge we gain in a traditional classroom environment.”

“We must learn to apply [classroom]knowledge and act upon it. In this sense, the pursuit of scholarship challenges us to develop a more informed and globally aware perspective,” she said.

Among those faculty and staff inducted as honorary members this year are (below from left to right) Dominic Balestra, PhD., professor of philosophy; Anne Fernald, PhD., professor of English; Carol Murabito, director, finance & treasurer, Budget Office; Sandra Vargas, senior executive secretary, Office of Student Leadership and Community Development; Msgr. Thomas J. Shelley, PhD., professor emeritus of theology; and Michael Trerotola, assistant university secretary and special assistant to the president.



Janet Sassi is editor/associate director of internal communications. She can be reached at (212) 636-7577 or