Inside Fordham Online is proud to highlight faculty and staff who have recently provided commentary in the news media. Congratulations for bringing the University to the attention of a broad audience.

Matthew P. Bromm, M.S., clinical instructor of educational administration, GSE
“As Housing Booms, Will Schools Have Room?” New York Public Radio, September 5

Donald D. Clarke, Ph.D., professor of chemistry, A&S
“A Blog, a Bottle, a Mint,” The Sunday Star, Toronto, September 10

James A. Cohen, J.D., associate professor of law and director of clinical education and external affairs, LAW
“2 Charges Against Gotti Dropped,” Newsday, September 14

Deborah W. Denno, J.D., Arthur A. McGivney Professor of Law, LAW
“Despite Polls, Bush Says Economy Is Winning Issue For GOP,” Easy Bourse (Communiqués de presse), France, September 15

“Lethal Injection Process Again Rejected in Missouri by Judge,” The Los Angeles Times, September 13

“Will Execution Bush Wants Take Place?” Gainesville Sun, September 4

Jill E. Fisch, J.D., T.J. Maloney Chair in Business Law and director, Fordham Center for Corporate, Securities & Financial Law, LAW
“Calif. Attorney General may be HP’s Biggest Scandal Hurdle,” USA Today, September 14

“Lifting the Lid-Options Scandal Seen not Involving Pay Advisers,” Reuters, September 8

Shelia Foster, J.D., Albert A. Walsh Professor of Law and co-director, Louis Stein Center for Law and Ethics, LAW
“Stricken Ground Zero Workers Learn the High Price of Heroism” Newhouse News Service, September 5

Evelyn Gezo, M.S., associate professor of environmental studies, MC
“Buttermilk: Don’t Let Name Scare You Off,” Poughkeepsie Journal, September 13

“Campus Food is Improving Dramatically,” Poughkeepsie Journal, August 30

Anie Kalayjian, Ph.D., visiting professor of psychology, A&S
“The Next 9/11: Gauging Public Vigilance,” Middletown Journal, September 12

Sonia Katyal, J.D., associate professor of Law, LAW
“Kinko’s Spoof Bites Back at ‘Advergame’ Genre” The New York Times, September 2

Paul Levinson, Ph.D., professor of communication and media studies and chair of the department and associate chair, masters program in public communication, A&S
“Strong reception: Cell Phone Makers Charming Buyers with Good Looks” San Francisco Chronicle, September 11

“Steve Irwin ‘Crocodile Hunter’ Video Watch is On,” National Ledger, September 10

“FCC: Action on ‘Fleeting’ Profanity Discouraged,” Chicago Tribune, September 8

Joseph P. Muriana, J.D., associate vice president for government and urban affairs, ADMIN
“As Maps and Memories Fade, So Do Some Bronx Boundary Lines,” The New York Times, September 16

Costas Panagopoulos, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor of political science and director, masters program in elections and campaign management, A&S
“U.S. Unemployment Rate Slides in August,” Associated Press (107 placements), September 1

“W Will Avoid Politics in Solemn Talk,” New York Daily News, September 9

“How Terrorism and Iraq will Impact Mid-term Elections,” CBS Radio, Los Angeles

Commentary on primary results for CBS television’s “Up to the Minute,” September 12

Erik Pitchal, J.D., director, Interdisciplinary Center for Family and Child Advocacy, LAW
“White Plains School Board President to Keep Post Amid Child Endangerment Charges” The Journal News, September 6

Thane Rosenbaum, J.D., John Whelan Distinguished Lecturer in Law and director, Forum on Law, Culture & Society, LAW
“55 Scholars Protest Whitewashing of FDR’s Holocaust Record,” Arutz Sheva, Israel, September 10

Michael Schiumo, assistant dean for alumni relations, LAW
“‘Name that Trade’ May be the Game Amid Flow of New Customized Investing Software Programs,”The Wall Street Journal, September 9

Lance Strate, Ph.D., associate professor of communication and media studies and director, graduate program in public communication, A&S
“Images Tell Tale when Words Fail” Toronto Star, September 8

Edward Wahesh, director of alcohol and other drug education, Student Affairs
“NYU Program Aims to Combat Underage Drinking,” The New York Sun, September 15

Ian Weinstein, J.D., LL.M., professor of Law, LAW
“Inside Information: Vlogging Expands the Audience for Academic Clients,” PRWeek, September 4


Bob Howe | Associate Vice President for Media and Public Relations Office (212) 636-6538 | Mobile (646) 228-4375