Influenza Update
Monday, October 5, 2009

Reminder: the University is offering non-H1N1 influenza vaccine clinics at the Lincoln Center campus on Oct. 6 and 7. See “Influenza Vaccine Clinic Information.”

H1N1 Update

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The University is now seeing some cases of H1N1 influenza and influenza-like illnesses among students. The majority of ill students have gone home to recuperate with their families.

The emergency management council is closely monitoring the number of influenza-like illnesses to ensure Fordham’s response in personnel and material resources remains proportionate.

Kathleen Malara, director of student health services, is in daily contact with the Department of Health to stay informed of the infection rate citywide, and of the latest recommendations of health officials.

Regardless of the number of students, faculty or staff reporting flu-like illness, the best course of action is to follow the precautions and recommendations below.

Further updates will appear in this space as necessary.


The University has a comprehensive plan in place for prevention and treatment of the H1N1 strain of influenza. The plan has been updated by the emergency management team with guidance from various federal, local and higher education health organizations.


•    Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
•    Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
•    Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze (hand sanitizers are also recommended).
•    Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, since germs are spread this way.
•    Do get the influenza vaccine, available now on campus to students. An outside vendor will be administering vaccine to students, staff, and faculty in September on the Rose Hill campus and in early October at the Lincoln Center campus. (Likewise, the University is making plans to secure and offer H1N1 vaccine when it is approved and available.)


If you experience a sudden onset within 24 hours, of fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue and/or vomiting and diarrhea, it is vitally important that you limit contact with others and seek medical attention:

•    Consult your health care provider immediately:

o    Students through the Health Center at (718) 817-4160 (Rose Hill) or (212) 636-7160 (Lincoln Center);
o    Faculty and staff through their private health care professionals.

•    Do not come to work nor attend class if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms.
•    Do not return to work or class until your fever is absent for 24 hours without Tylenol or Advil treatment. (Students are responsible for notifying their professors of any absences.)


At this time there are no plans to close the University or any of its campuses in the event of an H1N1 outbreak. The University has plans in place for various levels of H1N1 outbreaks, from very limited to extremely widespread. Those plans are summarized below—not every item applies to every level of outbreak.

The University has provided information on H1N1 prevention to students, faculty and staff: students were notified via e-mail and the University community was notified via Web release on August 28, “University Information for H1N1 Flu Prevention and Treatment,” and via Today at Fordham Spotlight.

The Health Center is stocked with equipment and supplies in preparation for any level of infection. University resources include expanded availability of health care professionals (including nurse practitioners for residence hall visits if necessary); vendor-supplied non-H1N1 influenza vaccine; increased cleaning and placement of hand sanitizers on walls outside community bathrooms in residence halls and academic buildings; and an appropriate supply of antiviral drug Tami-Flu for at-risk students.

The University also has access to additional Red Cross emergency equipment.

The University will be in close communication with parents of infected students. Those who live within a 150-mile radius will be sent home with their families to recuperate. In those situations in which families cannot make arrangements to bring their students home themselves due to extenuating circumstances, transportation will be provided, if necessary. Infected students who live outside the 150-mile radius will be isolated in place, either in their residence halls or in larger spaces, depending upon the number of students who require accommodation. The University will provide food to all students in isolation on campus.

The University Health Care Center and residential life staff will be in daily contact with sick students, either in person or via e-mail, text and telephone. If students contacting the Health Center by phone are experiencing flu-like symptoms, they may be advised to stay in their room for a “house call” by a nurse practitioner (the latter applies only to students in on-campus housing). Students in respiratory distress will immediately be taken to a local hospital.

Academic class deans will be contacted by Student Affairs regarding ill students’ status, and to coordinate excused absences as necessary. Anxiety over academic performance should not prevent sick students from going home; such excusals do not require a doctor’s note.

The Fordham community will be kept up to date via the emergency information line; e-mail blasts; the Everbridge text, e-mail and voice emergency notification system; cable TV announcements; system-wide campus telephone voicemail; Channel 3; public address systems; the University home page and WFUV radio station.


Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

University Health Services

Kathleen Malara
Director of Student Health Services
(718) 817-4160

John Carroll
Assistant Vice President for Safety and Security
(718) 817-2222

Christopher Rodgers
Dean of Students, Rose Hill
(718) 817-4755 

Keith Eldredge
Dean of Students, Lincoln Center
(212) 636-6250


Bob Howe | Associate Vice President for Media and Public Relations Office (212) 636-6538 | Mobile (646) 228-4375