John Fortunato, Ph.D., professor of communications and media management at Gabelli School of Business, has written about a young woman’s experience from autism diagnosis to career as a school teacher. An Autism Family Story is adapted from his book, Miracle of Effort: Thalia’s Autism Journey (Archway Publishing, 2024).

“Thalia’s improvement may be attributed to the amount and level of treatment that she received. Thalia started with therapy before she was three years old. The number of hours of one-on-one daily therapy, her attending a school that specialized in children with autism, and Lorena working with her daughter provided the treatment that she needed in those early years,” wrote John A. Fortunato, Ph. D., professor at Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business.


Jane Martinez is director of media relations and deputy University spokesperson at Fordham. She can be reached at or (347) 992-1815.